For technical support, please contact ICT at (902) 490-4444, or submit a ticket via ServiceNow

Important:  At the request of Mechanical Division, ONLY put remarks or notes that are relevant to a potential problem with the vehicle. Avoid statements like "Ran the pump for 5 mins", "Started all small engine equipment", or "Checked med bag". The only people looking at your DVI are those of Mechanical Division, and they do not need or want to know those details. Instead, please put them on your day sheet.

Also, do NOT generate a work order for vehicle problems. Instead, make sure to properly document the problem in the Notes section of your DVI, and Mechanical Division will assign a mechanic to resolve the issue.

Your cooperation is appreciated in this matter.
The Online Portal houses various web applications and also acts as a testing platform. It is only accessible by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency personnel or the application administrator. Please provide your credentials in order to access the Online Portal.
Last software update: Wednesday, November 06, 2024